My work spans across research projects on HCI & AR/VR, and creative interaction prototypes.
My work spans across research projects on HCI & AR/VR, and creative interaction prototypes.
Collaboration and Creativity Support in Immersive Environments
My most recent work investigates how to enhance people's creativity and collaboration during immersive creation. We studied how to coordinate teamwork in immersive environments by designing a version control system in VR; we also investigated how to design Human-AI interactions (that can enhance creativity) and how to design an AI facilitator (that can coordinate collaboration) in immersive environments. Our research has resulted in publications at CHI 2023 and UIST 2024.
Communication and Social Interactions via Immersive Experiences
During my internships at Snap Research, I investigated the design of interpersonal communication and interactions via immersive experiences, focusing specifically on effortful communication and storytelling experiences in AR. Our research has resulted in publications at CSCW 2022 and CHI 2024.
End-user Programming in Immersive Environments
This project investigates the paradigm named immersive authoring where users can create VR experiences while immersed in VR. We studied visual programming as a way to enable end-users to define interactive behaviors in immersive authoring. Our research has resulted in publications at VL/HCC 2019 and UIST 2020. Currently, I am collaborating with researchers from external institutions to investigate the application of our system in psychology researchers' practices.